Zero Trust beyond the network: Securing endpoints

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the Zero Trust model has become a critical strategy for organisations. While most discussions around Zero Trust focus on securing the network, it’s crucial to extend this philosophy to the endpoints—where threats are often most potent.


According to the Ponemon Institute (2020), 68% of organisations reported experiencing one or more endpoint attacks that led to data breaches or compromised their IT infrastructure.


Traditional security models operate on the assumption that everything inside the network is trustworthy. However, with the increasing sophistication of cyber threats and the rise of remote work, this approach is no longer viable.


Malwarebytes Labs (2020) reports that 20% of companies encountered a security breach linked to remote employees.


Zero Trust flips the script by operating under the principle of “never trust, always verify.” But what does this mean for your endpoints?
Endpoints are the gateways to your network. They are also prime targets for cybercriminals. Ensuring these devices adhere to Zero Trust principles is paramount, and this is where the Hypersecure IT-service shines.

A comprehensive suite of endpoint security solutions ensures that every device accessing your network is authenticated, authorised, and continuously monitored. Here are the top 3 functionalities you need to have in order implement Zero Trust on the endpoint:

  1. Encryption and Data Protection: Robust encryption for data, both at rest and in transit. This means that even if an endpoint is compromised, the data remains protected.
  2. Device Management: Endpoint management capabilities ensure that all devices are compliant with the latest security policies and updates. This reduces vulnerabilities and keeps the endpoint environment secure.
  3. Application Control: Managing which applications can run on endpoints, minimises the risk of malware infections. This control extends to preventing unauthorised software installations and executions.

On top of these, additional functionalities like Security Awareness, Vulnerability Management and Compliance Reporting make sure that the Hypersecure IT-platform keeps cyber-attacks where they belong: outside your IT!

In conclusion, while securing the network is essential, extending Zero Trust to endpoints is imperative in today’s threat landscape. It not only fortifies your security posture but also aligns with modern work environments where mobility and remote access are the norms.

At Dilaco we work together with DriveLock, a leading German security vendor, to provide a service that brings Zero Trust to the front lines: your devices. This way, we are able to offer a robust, flexible, and user-friendly solution to make sure your endpoints are not the weak link in your cybersecurity chain. And here is where the beauty of Dilaco’s managed service lies: in its adaptability and comprehensive approach, ensuring that security is tight without compromising user productivity.

Embrace Zero Trust beyond the network, and let Dilaco secure your digital frontiers. To learn more about our cybersecurity solutions, visit our cybersecurity page and explore how we can help you safeguard your digital assets with confidence.




This article was brought to you by:

Willem Magerman
CTO/Cybersecurity Specialist
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